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Take a look at some of our team's activities and accomplishments!

March 2025

Our review article "Collision Cross Section (CCS) Measurement and Prediction Methods in Omics" was named a top-cited article by the Journal of Mass Spectrometry, Wiley. Congratulations!!

Amgen Women in Chemistry (AWiC) 2025 Graduate Student Research Symposium, Thousand Oaks, CA                                              

  • Kimberly was selected among only 6 speakers to present her research studies; she presented a talk titled “Characterization of Alzheimer’s Disease Biomarkers using Ion Mobility Tandem Mass Spectrometry (IM-MS/MS)”


February 2025

Visitation Weekend, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Auburn University                                              

  • Kimberly and Iffat presented a poster titled “The Research in the Hamid Lab”


November 2024

Prof. Hamid was named one of the 2024 Emerging Investigators and appeared on the cover of Issue 11 (volume 35) of the Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, Congratulations!!

Our work on the analysis and discrimination of foodborne pathogens was featured on Auburn University News, Congratulations!!

Department of Chemistry, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL                                               

Prof. Hamid was invited by Prof. Christian Bleiholder to present a talk titled “Advanced Diagnostics using Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry”

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Colloquium Seminar                                              

Prof. Hamid hosted Prof. Christian Bleiholder (Associate Professor, Florida State University) who presented a talk titled “Towards elucidating protein structure and dynamics using ion mobility spectrometry/mass spectrometry methods: From small proteins to variants of viral spike protein complexes" to the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Auburn University.

Pfizer Chemistry Connect  

Kimberly was invited to present a talk titled "Analysis of Alzheimer’s Disease Biomarkers using Liquid Chromatography Ion Mobility Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-IM-MS/MS)”


October 2024

Department of Chemistry, Baylor University, Waco, TX                                               

Prof. Hamid was invited by Prof. Elyssia Gallagher to present a talk titled “Clinical Applications of Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry”

38th Asilomar Conference on Mass Spectrometry (New Frontiers in Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometry from Applications to Instrumentation), Pacific Grove, CA

  • Prof. Hamid was invited to present a talk titled “Strain-Level Differentiation of Bacteria using Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry” as part of the "Advances and Applications using High Resolving Power IMS" session

  • Kimberly presented a poster titled "Identification of Alzheimer’s Disease Biomarkers Utilizing Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Coupled with Ion Mobility (LC-IM-MS/MS)"

Southeastern Regional Meeting of American Chemical Society, Durham, NC                                                   

  • Prof. Hamid co-chaired "the Advancements in the High-Throughput Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics" oral session with Prof. Si Wu.

  • Prof. Hamid presented a talk titled “Strain-Level Differentiation of Bacteria using High-Resolution Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry” at the “Advancements in High-Throughput Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics” session symposium.

  • Kimberly presented a talk titled “Structural Characterization of Proteomic Biomarkers for Alzheimer’s Disease by Liquid Chromatography Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry (LC-IM-MS/MS)” at the “Advancements in High-Throughput Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics” session symposium.

  • ​Kimberly presented a poster titled “Structural Characterization of Proteomic Biomarkers for Alzheimer’s Disease by Liquid Chromatography Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry (LC-IM-MS/MS)”.

  • Iffat presented a poster titled “Lipidomic Analysis using Liquid Chromatography Ion Mobility Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-IM-MS/MS) for the Discrimination of Foodborne Pathogens”.

NOBCChE 51st Annual Collaborative Conference, New Orleans, LA

Kimberly presented a poster titled "Alzheimer’s Disease Biomarkers Diagnosis in Omics using Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Coupled with Ion Mobility (LC-IM-MS/MS)"

Auburn University Chemistry and Biochemistry Graduate Preview Symposium

Iffat presented a poster titled “The Research in the Hamid Lab” to the prospective graduate students


September 2024

Department of Chemistry, University of the South, Sewanee, TN                                               

Prof. Hamid was invited by Prof. Evan Joslin to present a talk titled “Clinical Applications of Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry”

Department of Drug Delivery and Development, Auburn University, Auburn, AL                                              

Prof. Hamid was invited by Prof. Angela Calderón to present a talk titled “Advanced Diagnostics using Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry”

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Colloquium Seminar                                              

Prof. Hamid presented a talk titled “Advanced Diagnostics using Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry” to the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Auburn University as a part of his tenure and promotion process.


August 2024

Auburn University Chemistry and Biochemistry Research Symposium​

  • Kimberly presented a poster titled “The Research in the Hamid Lab”


July 2024

Kimberly was elected as the new president of NOBCChE president at Auburn Chapter, Congratulations!!


June 2024

American Society of Mass Spectrometry 72nd annual meeting, Anaheim, CA   â€‹

  • Prof. Hamid presented a poster titled “Pathogenic and Non-pathogenic E. coli strains Discrimination in Urine Samples by LC – IM – MS/MS and Machine Learning”

  • Jessica presented a poster titled “Discrimination of foodborne pathogens associated with outbreaks using Tandem Liquid Chromatography Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry (LC-IM-MS/MS)”

  • Kimberly presented a poster titled “Detection and characterization of Alzheimer’s Disease biomarkers using Liquid Chromatography Ion Mobility Mass spectrometry (LC-IM-MS/MS)”


May 2024

Department of Chemistry, Texas A&M University at College Station, TX 

Prof. Hamid was invited by Prof. Xin Yan to present a talk titled “Advanced Diagnostics using Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry"

Department of Chemistry, University of Utah at Salt Lake City, UT 

Prof. Hamid was invited by Prof. Gabe Nagy to present a talk titled “Advanced Diagnostics using Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry"

Prof. Hamid was awarded the I See Your R.E. Research Excellence award from the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Auburn University during the 2024 Annual Banquet, Congratulations!!

Orobola was hooded by Prof. Hamid and officially obtained his Ph.D. degree from Auburn University, Congratulations!!


April 2024

Department of Chemistry, Purdue University at West Lafayette, IN 

Prof. Hamid was invited by Prof. Graham Cooks to present a talk titled “Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases by Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry"

Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Indiana University at Indianapolis, IN 

Prof. Hamid was invited by Prof. Nicholas Manicke to present a talk titled “Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases by Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry"

Department of Chemistry, University of Arizona at Tucson, AZ 

Prof. Hamid was invited by Prof. Michael Marty to present a talk titled “Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases by Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry"


March 2024

Department of Chemistry, Vanderbilt University at Nashville, TN 

Prof. Hamid was invited by Prof. John McLean to present a talk titled “Clinical Applications of Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry"

Department of Chemistry, University of Tennessee at Knoxville, TN

Prof. Hamid was invited by Prof. Thanh Do to present a talk titled “Clinical Applications of Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry"

2024 Spring Workshop on Protein Structure Elucidation by Ion Mobility Spectrometry/Mass Spectrometry, Floride State University, Tallahassee, FL  

Kimberly presented a poster titled “Alzheimer’s Disease Biomarkers Diagnosis in Omics using Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Coupled with Ion Mobility (LC-IM-MS/MS)”

Auburn Research: 2024 Student Symposium

  • Jessica presented a talk titled "Discrimination of foodborne pathogens associated with outbreaks using Tandem Liquid Chromatography Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry (LC-IM-MS/MS)”

  • Orobola presented a talk titled "Pathogenic and Non-pathogenic E. coli Strains Discrimination in Urine Samples by LC – IM – MS/MS and Machine Learning”

  • Kimberly presented a poster titled “Alzheimer’s Disease Biomarkers Diagnosis in Omics using Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Coupled with Ion Mobility (LC-IM-MS/MS)” 

Orobola was awarded a graduate student oral presentation award at the 2024 Auburn Research Symposium (Auburn University), Congratulations!!

  • Zach presented a poster titled "Alzheimer’s Disease Lipid Biomarkers Characterization using Liquid Chromatography Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry (LC-IM-MS/MS)”

Zach was awarded an undergraduate student oral presentation award at the 2024 Auburn Research Symposium (Auburn University), Congratulations!!


February 2024

Department of Chemistry, University of Georgia at Athens, GA

Prof. Hamid was invited by Prof. Kelly Hines to present a talk titled “Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases by Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry"

Department of Chemistry, University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa, AL

Prof. Hamid was invited by Prof. Si Wu to present a talk titled “Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases by Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry"

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Colloquium Seminar                                              

Prof. Hamid hosted Prof. Facundo Fernandez (Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology) who presented a talk titled “Next Gen Metabolomics Technologies: Machine Learning, Imaging, Ion Mobility and Triboelectric Nanogenerator" to the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Auburn University.

Visitation Weekend, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Auburn University                                              

  • Orobola presented a poster titled "Detection of Bacteria in Surface Water Using LC-IM-MS/MS” for prospective graduate students.

  • Kimberly presented a poster titled "Diagnostic Lipid Biomarkers Discovery for Alzheimer’s Disease using High-Resolution Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry” for prospective graduate students.


January 2024

Kimberly won the Florida State University Travel award to attend the Workshop on Protein Structure Elucidation with Ion Mobility Spectrometry/Mass Spectrometry, Congratulations!!

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Colloquium Seminar                                              

Prof. Hamid hosted Prof. Si Wu (Professor, University of Alabama) who presented a talk titled “High-throughput quantitative top-down MS" to the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry in Auburn University.

Department of Chemistry, University of Texas at Austin, TX

Prof. Hamid was invited by Prof. Devleena Samanta to present a talk titled “Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases by Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry"


December 2023

3rd International Conference on Chemistry & Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Prof. Hamid was invited to present a talk titled “Strain-Level Differentiation of Bacteria using Liquid Chromatography and Paper Spray Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry”.

Kimberly was interviewed by the BioMedica Newsletter's newest issue.


November 2023

Auburn University Chemistry and Biochemistry Graduate Preview Symposium​

  • Kimberly presented a poster titled “Diagnostic Lipid Biomarkers Discovery for Alzheimer’s Disease using High-Resolution Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry”

  • Orobola presented a poster titled "Detection of Bacteria in Surface water Using LC-IM-MS/MS"

Orobola was interviewed by the BioMedica Newsletter's newest issue.


October 2023

Department of Chemistry, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH                                                       

Prof. Hamid was invited by Prof. Anyin Li to present a talk titled “Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases by Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry”

Southeastern Regional Meeting of American Chemical Society, Durham, NC                                                   

Orobola presented a talk titled “Liquid chromatography – Ion mobility – Tandem mass spectrometry for Discrimination between Pathogenic and Non-pathogenic E. coli strains using the metabolome, lipidome and proteome” as a part of the “Advances in Mass Spectrometry: Contributions from Students” session symposium.

SciX 2023 annual meeting, Sparks, NV   

Prof. Hamid was invited to present a talk titled "Clinical Applications of Advanced Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry” in the ion mobility spectrometry session.

​Faculty Research Showcase, Auburn University

  • Kimberly presented a poster titled “Diagnostic Lipid Biomarkers Discovery for Alzheimer’s Disease using High-Resolution Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry”

  • Orobola presented a poster titled "Detection of Bacteria in Surface water Using LC-IM-MS/MS"

Prof. Hamid was interviewed by the BioMedica Newsletter's newest issue.


September 2023

Our new review article "Collision Cross Section (CCS) Measurement and Prediction Methods in Omics" was featured on COSAM Today Newsletter.

Our new review article "Collision Cross Section (CCS) Measurement and Prediction Methods in Omics" was featured on EurekAlert media service.

NOBBChE 50th annual meeting, New Orleans, LA   

  • Orobola presented a talk titled "Diagnostic Lipid Biomarkers for Bacterial Infectious Diseases and Alzheimer’s Diseases using High-Resolution Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry

  • Kimberly presented a poster titled “Detection of Bacteria in Surface Water Using LC-IM-MS/MS


August 2023

Auburn University Chemistry and Biochemistry Research Symposium​

  • Kimberly presented a poster titled “Diagnostic Lipid Biomarkers Discovery for Alzheimer’s Disease using High-Resolution Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry”

  • Orobola presented a poster titled "Detection of Bacteria in Surface water Using LC-IM-MS/MS"


June 2023

American Society of Mass Spectrometry 71st annual meeting, Houston, TX   â€‹

  • Prof. Hamid co-chaired the Environmental Interest Group Workshop titled "Non-targeted analysis (NTA); modern tools for unknown analysis" with Prof. Kevin Tucker.

  • Orobola presented a poster titled “Diagnostic Lipid Biomarkers Discovery for Alzheimer’s Disease using High-Resolution Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry”

  • Kimberly presented a poster titled “Detection of Bacteria in Surface Water Using LC-IM-MS/MS”

Auburn University Journal of Undergraduate Scholarship (AUJUS)

The highlights of the research studies performed by Lexie during her undergraduate fellowship titled "Characterization of Unsaturated Lipids Using Ambient Ionization Techniques (Paper Spray Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometry (PS-IM-MS))" were published in the AUJUS Published Highlights.

Prof. Hamid won the COSAM Faculty Travel award to attend ASMS, Congratulations!!

Orobola won the Younger Chemists Conference Travel Grant from the ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry to attend ASMS, Congratulations!!


May 2023

39th International Symposium on Microscale Separations and Bioanalysis, Tallahassee, FL  

​Prof. Hamid presented a talk titled “Strain-Level Differentiation of Bacteria using Liquid Chromatography and Paper Spray Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry” in the New Trends in MS and IMS session.

Prof. Hamid was interviewed by WTVM on a live interview to speak about his research program at Auburn University.

Prof. Hamid was featured on Auburn University News top stories, Congratulations!!

Orobola was selected for the Merck Underrepresented Chemists of Color Award, Congratulations!!


March 2023

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Colloquium Seminar                                              

Prof. Hamid hosted Prof. Matthew Bush (Associate Professor, University of Washington) who presented a talk titled “Native Mass Spectrometry and Ion Mobility ‒ Mass Spectrometry of Proteins" to the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry in Auburn University.

Auburn Research: 2023 Student Symposium

  • Orobola presented a talk titled "Liquid Chromatography and Paper Spray coupled with Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry for Bacteria Strain Discrimination”

  • Kimberly presented a poster titled “Detection and characterization of bacteria in surface water using LC-IM-MS/MS”

  • Lexie presented a poster titled "Characterization of unsaturated lipids using ambient ionization techniques (paper spray ion mobility-mass spectrometry (PS-IM-MS))”


February 2023

Visitation Weekend, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Auburn University                                              

  • Prof. Hamid presented a poster titled "Lipid Biomarkers Discovery for Bacteria Strains Discrimination with High-Resolution Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry” for prospective graduate students.

  • Kimberly presented a poster titled "Detection of Bacteria in Surface water Using LC-IM-MS/MS” for the prospective graduate students.


November 2022

COSAM Interdisciplinary Colloquium  

  • Orobola was invited to present a talk titled "Rapid Detection and Accurate Discrimination of Bacteria Strains by High-Resolution Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry”

Pfizer Chemistry Connect  

  • Orobola was invited to present a talk titled "Rapid Detection and Accurate Discrimination of Bacteria Strains by High-Resolution Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry”

Auburn University Chemistry and Biochemistry Graduate Preview

  • Kimberly presented a poster titled “Full Characterization of Unsaturated Lipids by Paper Spray-Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometry (PS-IM-MS)”

  • Orobola presented a poster titled "High-Resolution Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry for Rapid Bacteria Detection and Discrimination"


September 2022

Prof. Hamid received his first grant as a PI from the National Institute of Health: Maximizing Investigators' Research Award (MIRA) (R35). It totals to ~$1.78MCongratulations!!

NOBBChE 49th annual meeting   

  • Orobola was invited to present a talk titled "Rapid Detection and Accurate Discrimination of Bacteria Strains by High-Resolution Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry”

Orobola won the Advancing Science Conference Grant to attend NOBBChE, Congratulations!!


August 2022

5th International Webinar on Mass Spectrometry and Separation Techniques   

  • Orobola was invited to present a talk titled “Strain-level Differentiation of Bacteria using High-Resolution Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry”

Auburn University Chemistry and Biochemistry Research Symposium​

  • Kimberly presented a poster titled “Full Characterization of Unsaturated Lipids by Paper Spray-Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometry (PS-IM-MS)”

  • Orobola presented a poster titled "High-Resolution Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry for Rapid Bacteria Detection and Discrimination"


July 2022

Colgate Science Symposium   

  • Orobola was invited to present a short talk titled “Strain-level Differentiation of Bacteria using High-Resolution Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry”

Orobola received a Smile with Science award from Colgate Science Symposium, Congratulations!!


June 2022

American Society of Mass Spectrometry 70th annual meeting, Minneapolis, MS   

  • Orobola was invited to present a short talk as a part of the Environmental Interest Group Workshop titled “Bacteria detection and discrimination by Ion mobility mass spectrometry”

  • Orobola presented a talk titled “Strain-level Differentiation of Bacteria using High-Resolution Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry”

  • Orobola was invited by Agilent Technologies to present a short talk as a part of the Ion Mobility Lightening talks titled “Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry for Bacteria Discrimination”

  • Kimberly presented a poster titled “Full Characterization of Unsaturated Lipids by Paper Spray-Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometry (PS-IM-MS)”

Orobola and Kimberly won the COSAM Student Travel awards to attend ASMS, Congratulations!!


April 2022

Harrison School of Pharmacy, Auburn University, Auburn, AL                                                                            

Prof. Hamid was invited by Prof. Angela Calderon to present a lecture titled “Ion Mobility Spectrometry (Concepts and Applications)” as a part of the Mass Spectrometry class offered in the Harrison School of Pharmacy.

Department of Chemistry, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA                                                       

Prof. Hamid was invited by Prof. Andre Clayborne to present a talk titled “Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases by Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry”

Lexie was awarded an undergraduate research fellowship to conduct research on the investogation of epoxidation reaction using ion mobility mass spectrometry through the summer and fall semesters in the Hamid Lab, Congratulations!!


March 2022

Pittcon Conference

  • Prof. Hamid presented a poster titled "Resolving diagnostic isomeric lipids with high resolution ion mobility spectrometry”

  • Orobola presented a poster titled “Rapid Separation of Isomeric Lipids and Pesticides Using Ambient Ionization Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry”

Auburn Research: 2022 Student Symposium

  • Orobola presented a talk titled "Species-level discrimination of Bacteria by High-Resolution Paper Spray Ion-Mobility Mass Spectrometry”

  • Kimberly presented a poster titled “Full Characterization of Unsaturated Lipids by Paper Spray-Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometry (PS-IM-MS)”

  • Stella presented a poster titled "Identification of Pesticide Isomers in Crops using Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry”

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Colloquium Seminar                                              

Prof. Hamid presented a talk titled “Advancing Ion Mobility Spectrometry for Clinical Applications” to the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Auburn University as a part of his third-year review tenure and promotion process.

American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Diego, CA                                              

Yousif Muten presented a poster titled "Paper Spray Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry for Effective Rapid Bacteria Discrimination”

Visitation Weekend, Auburn University                                              

Orobola presented a poster titled "High-Resolution Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry for Rapid Bacteria Detection and Discrimination” for the prospective graduate students.

Southeastern Universities Graduate Research Symposium (SURGS)                                             

Orobola presented a poster titled "High-Resolution Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry for Rapid Bacteria Detection and Discrimination” virtually.

Orobola received an Outstanding Graduate Research Poster Award from SURGS, Congratulations!!


February 2022

Kosolapoff Award                                              

Prof. Hamid hosted Prof. R. Graham Cooks (Henry Bohn Hass Distinguished Professor, Purdue University) who presented two talks titled “Ions for Analysis, Synthesis, and Surgery” and "Ions for Synthesis: Reaction Acceleration" as he was named the 2022 recipient of the prestigious Kosolapoff Award by the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry in Auburn University.

Schneller Frontiers Lecture                                              

Prof. Hamid hosted Prof. Livia S. Eberlin (Associate Professor, Baylor College of Medicine) who presented a talk titled “Advancing Cancer Research and Treatment with Ambient Ionization Mass Spectrometry” as she was named Schneller Frontier Lecturer by the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry in Auburn University.

Undergraduate Research Symposium, Auburn University                                              

Orobola presented a poster titled "High-Resolution Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry for Rapid Bacteria Detection and Discrimination”

Orobola received an Outstanding International Graduate Student Award from COSAM, Congratulations!!


January 2022

Prof. Hamid received a grant funding from the Department of Homeland Security as part of collaborative project led by Prof. Frank Bartol. It totals to ~$24M, Congratulations!!


November 2021

Southeastern Regional Meeting of American Chemical Society, Birmingham, AL                                                  

Prof. Hamid was invited to present a talk titled “Resolving diagnostic isomeric lipids with Liquid Chromatography, Ion Mobility Spectrometry and Tandem Mass Spectrometry” as a part of the “Measuring More than Mass: Innovations in Mass Spectrometry Experiments and Applications” symposium.

Pfizer Chemistry Connect virtual symposium

Orobola presented a talk titled “Resolving Diagnostic Isomeric Lipids with RPLC and Paper Spray - Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry for Clinical Diagnosis” virtually.

Southwestern Regional Meeting of American Chemical Society, Austin, TX                                                          

Prof. Hamid was invited to present a talk titled “Resolving diagnostic isomeric lipids with Liquid Chromatography, Ion Mobility Spectrometry and Tandem Mass Spectrometry” virtually as a part of the “Keynote Symposium in Honor or Professor Livia Eberlin” symposium.

American Society of Mass Spectrometry 69th annual meeting, Philadelphia, PA  

  • Benedicta was invited to present a short talk as a part of the Enhancing Environmental Applications with Tandem Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry Workshop titled “Identification of pesticides and their degradation products using liquid chromatography ion mobility mass spectrometry (LC-IM-MS) with computational calculations”

  • Prof. Hamid presented a talk titled “Resolving diagnostic isomeric lipids with Liquid Chromatography, Ion Mobility Spectrometry and Tandem Mass Spectrometry”

  • Benedicta presented a poster titled “Identification of Pesticides and their Degradation Products using Liquid Chromatography Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry (LC-IM-MS) with Computational Calculations”

Prof. Hamid received Steve Berger Travel Award from Agilent Technologies to attend ASMS, Congratulations!!

Auburn University Chemistry and Biochemistry Graduate Preview

  • Benedicta presented a poster titled “Identification of Pesticides and Degradation Products using Experimental and Theoretical Methods”

  • Orobola presented a poster titled "Resolving diagnostic isomeric lipids with RPLC and Paper Spray –Ion mobility Mass Spectrometry for Clinical diagnosis”

Auburn University College of Sciences and Mathematics Undergraduate Research Symposium

Our undergraduate research fellow, Stella Cox presented a poster titled “Identification of Pesticide Isomers in Crops using Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry”


October 2021

Department of Chemistry, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA                                                       

Prof. Hamid was invited by Prof. M. Samy El-Shall to present a talk titled “Clinical Applications of Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry”


September 2021

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Colloquium Seminar                                              

Prof. Hamid hosted Prof. Nicholas Manicke (Associate Professor, Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis) who presented a talk titled “3D Printed Devices to Enable the Use of Mass Spectrometry for Clinical and Homeland Security Applications" to the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry in Auburn University.


August 2021

Association of Mass Spectrometry &Advances in Clinical Lab (MSACL)

Prof. Hamid presented a talk titled “Resolving diagnostic isomeric lipids with Liquid Chromatography, Ion Mobility Spectrometry and Tandem Mass Spectrometry” virtually to The MSACL community.  

Auburn University Chemistry and Biochemistry Research Symposium​

  • Benedicta presented a poster titled “Identification of Pesticides and Degradation Products using Experimental and Theoretical Methods”

  • Orobola presented a poster titled Resolving diagnostic isomeric lipids with RPLC and Paper Spray –Ion mobility Mass Spectrometry for Clinical diagnosis”

Stella was awarded an undergraduate research fellowship to conduct research on the analysis of pesticide isomers using ion mobility mass spectrometry through the summer and fall semesters in the Hamid Lab, Congratulations!!


June 2021

Prof. Hamid received a grant funding from Auburn University Research Support Program as a co-PI. It is a collaborative project led by Prof. Amal Kaddoumi. It totals to $50k, Congratulations!!

Summer Science Institute (SSI)

The Hamid Lab hosted 12 talented high school students to introduce mass spectrometry and its applications to them. They could run experiments under our supervision, it was such a rewarding experience!


May 2021

National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE) Collaborative Virtual Conference

Orobola presented a poster titled "Complementarity of LC, Ion mobility and Tandem Mass spectrometry in the separation and full characterization of isomeric Lipids”

Orobola won Collaborative Research Poster award from NOBBChE, Congratulations!!


March 2021

Auburn student chapter, American Chemical Society

Prof. Hamid was invited to present a talk titled “Disease Diagnostics by Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry” virtually to the ACS, Auburn student chapter. 

Auburn Research: 2021 Student Symposium

  • Benedicta presented a poster titled “Identification of pesticides in crops using LC-IM-MS”

  • Orobola presented a poster titled "Separation and identification of isomeric lipids by liquid chromatography–ion mobility mass spectrometry”


February 2021

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Colloquium Seminar                                              

Prof. Hamid hosted Prof. David Muddiman (Professor, North Carolina State University) who presented a talk titled “Scientific Discovery and Impact Through Innovative Mass Spectrometry Measurements: From Plants and Model Organisms to Humans" to the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry in Auburn University.

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA                                          

Prof. Hamid was invited by Prof. Thomas Manning to present a talk titled “Clinical Applications of Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry”

Auburn University College of Sciences and Mathematics Research Fair

Orobola presented a poster titled "Rapid Analysis of Sulfonamides and Pesticides mixtures by Mass Spectrometry"


November 2020

Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Auburn University, Auburn, AL                                              

Prof. Hamid was invited by Prof. Jeffery Coleman to present a talk titled “Clinical& Environmental Applications of Mass Spectrometry”

Auburn University Chemistry and Biochemistry e-Invitational

Orobola presented a poster titled "Rapid Analysis of Sulfonamides and Pesticides mixtures by Mass Spectrometry" to the prospective graduate students. 

Auburn University College of Sciences and Mathematics Undergraduate Research Symposium

Our undergraduate researcher, Mathew Dudich presented a poster titled “Rapid Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases and Environmental Compounds Detection”


October 2020

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Colloquium Seminar                                              

Prof. Hamid hosted Prof. Brandon Ruotolo (Professor, University of Michigan) who presented a talk titled “Collision Induced Unfolding: A New Paradigm in Protein Stability Measurements" to the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry in Auburn University.


September 2020

Auburn University Chemistry and Biochemistry Research Symposium​

Orobola presented a poster titled "Rapid Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases and Environmental Compounds Detection" to the prospective graduate students. 


April 2020

Harrison School of Pharmacy, Auburn University, Auburn, AL                                                                            

Prof. Hamid was invited by Prof. Angela Calderon to present a lecture titled “Ion Mobility Spectrometry” as a part of the Mass Spectrometry class offered in the Harrison School of Pharmacy.


March 2020

Auburn University Chemistry and Biochemistry Invitational weekend

Orobola presented a poster titled "Rapid Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases and Environmental Compounds Detection" to the prospective graduate students.


November 2019

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Colloquium Seminar                                              

Prof. Hamid hosted Prof. Abraham Badu-tawiah (Assistant Professor, The Ohio State University) who presented a talk titled “Panoptic Mass Spectrometry: How and Why?" to the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry in Auburn University.


September 2019

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Colloquium Seminar                                              

Prof. Hamid hosted Dr. Yehia Ibrahim (Senior Scientist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) who presented a talk titled “Advanced in gas-phase separations for multi-omics analyses" to the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry in Auburn University.


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